Startup Hub

Startup Hub


Not every university can boast having its own startup incubator program. The MU Startup Hub provides early and ideas-stage startups a platform to begin their success stories in the wider world.

The Startup Hub offers a home to selected startups, especially in the food and beverage, hospitality and service industries.

Food & Beverage 

  • Sustainable large-scale food processing solutions 

  • Process optimization 

  • Reinstalling a value chain 

  • Increasing efficiency in production processes

Hospitality, Tourism & Services 

  • Visitor stream management 

  • Smart stock management 

  • Decreasing front-of-house (operative) costs 

  • Enhancing customer experience 

  • Retaining customers

Culture & Events 

  • Visitor stream management 

  • Digitalization and automation 

  • Smart interfaces between institutions 

  • Virtual Reality 

  • CRM

Tech & beyond… 

  • Social media and sharing models 

  • Sustainable tech 

  • Smart interfaces between institutions 

  • Innovative Concepts 

  • AI


By working in collaboration with expert industry partners, we are able to boost ideas and products to a proof-of-concept stage.

Our partners

“Herd Open Kitchen’s mission is to make founding and running a food business easier, less risky and reduce the barriers to entry as much as possible. As a result, we are very proud to be part of the 4th round with an even more comprehensive and improved program to help startups get off the ground and grow.” 

“Talent Garden is the place for explorers and innovators: there couldn’t be a better match than FAB X, a startup accelerator that can engage and change a startup for the better, giving it the right tools to be disruptive and tackle today’s market. Take the challenge, THE place for the Austrian innovation ecosystem is looking forward to welcoming you soon!” 

“We consider ourselves to be coaches for startups in the food and beverage sector in particular, and also mentors for young entrepreneurs in other important areas. With the FAB Accelerator, we would like to give Start-Ups a successful start into business life and support innovators in bringing passionately developed products or innovative services to the customers of tomorrow. With Talent Garden as an additional Accelerator cooperation partner alongside HERD and Modul University, young talents have even more possibilities to benefit from different perspectives and expertise on their way to market entry.” 

Learn from the best

Engage with and be mentored by experts in your industry to gain know-how and business insights. Receive valuable feedback from experts and integrate it into your development process.

Our experts

"Lidija Lalicic obtained her PhD with distinction in 2015 from Modul University Vienna. She has an extensive research portfolio, where she has assessed various theories related to consumer experiences and digital innovations, predominantly in the field of tourism. She has been a frequent keynote speaker at international conferences, hosted workshops and led various EU- research projects. Over a decade, she has been teaching subjects related to strategic branding, entrepreneurship, innovation, and design thinking. Since several years, she been coaching corporates and start-ups integrating design thinking and emotional branding into their operations. With her Dutch roots and having lived across various counties in Europe, she is eager to share her cultural insights as well. "

"Bettina Wittmann has been working in marketing since 2007 and is considered a “pioneer in the field of remote work”. In 2016, Bettina founded and built up the international digital marketing & process optimization agency weBOUND during a 1.5-year trip around the world through Asia, Europe and the USA. Since 2017, Wittmann has been speaking at various conferences worldwide on the subject of remote work, digital marketing and business development. She is also a guest lecturer at various international universities and a business mentor at Startup Live, Modul University Accelerator, Techstars and greenstart – an initiative of the Climate and Energy Fund. Since 2020, she has been teaching at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. "

"Through 15+ years of professional experience mostly within the cleantech and sustainability industries, Marco gained a strong insight about process, project and team management in the corporate world. His expertise lies at the crossroad between strategy, analytics and operations and he currently leads the project finance and strategic modelling capabilities for his team at GE Renewables. Marco has been collaborating with a wide range of international accelerators since 2017 and supports start-ups at different stages of their life cycle.  He is also an invited speaker at entrepreneurial and coaching events and delivers training packages. "

"Bruce is a Digital Strategist at {type}Dev Consulting and specializes in Digital Strategy which requires expertise in business development and software development. In 2019, he graduated his Masters in Commerce in Text Analysis which falls under Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence. He strategized more than 10 start-ups at TuksNovation. He has re-modeled the software strategy methodology at {type}Dev which has been carried out for more than 5 clients. Bruce is currently studying for his PhD and is accelerating startups while starting {type}Dev’s branch in Austria. He’s also presented a master class on Innovative Product Design at the South Africa Innovation Summit and the Innovation Breakfast at Talent Garden Gmbh."
Expose your product

Combine forces. Benefit from academic research in entrepreneurship & innovation as well as from an international network. Make use of our facilities and test your concept in real-life situations 

Proof of concept

Onboard big clients, fine-tune your product and secure future deals with important clients

Educate and Train:

Benefit from industry focused events. 

Accelerate and Grow:

Scale your business and apply to our accelerator. 

Network and Engage:

Get connected to our international partners. 



Startups in the fields of hospitality, tourism, food and beverage and service – related industries.


Want to support the Austrian startup ecosystem? Join as a mentor and pass on your industry knowledge!


Looking for the next big thing? Get in touch with innovative startups and build relationships.

Send an email to in order to find out more.


Philipp Stangl, CEO Rebel Meat 

Program Winner 2019 

“Rebel Meat was basically born in the FAB accelerator program: with the support of everyone at FAB accelerator we went from a couple of slides and a working title to a fully developed product, a professional go-to-market strategy and a listing at the biggest wholesaler in Austria.” 

Ronja Scherzinger, CEO FashionTouri 

Program Runner-Up 2021 

“The FAB X Accelerator program is a great chance to acquire new knowledge in how to start and expand your business. The mentors and experts take their valuable time as well for each individual case to face your challenges to get you to the next step. Modul University itself is supporting you with their network which could become very important for your future success. As well it’s a great initiative to benefit from other national and international startups and a fantastic platform to exchange new ideas.” 

Julia and Leo,

Tulipans founders –  Program Winner 2020  

“After winning the Program, we developed keto food products and were able to prevail against a large number of promising entrepreneurs. With the victory, we secured an Austria-wide listing in all Metro stores as well as a media package and sales support from the Metro team.” 

Leon Heidinger 

Jablonski's Vegan Kitchen, CEO 

Metro prize winner 2023 

“The accelerator program provided a comprehensive and lucid roadmap for effectively applying the gained knowledge in real-world scenarios. It offered step-by-step guidance, practical examples, and hands-on exercises to ensure participants could readily implement the knowledge into the professional endeavors.” 


Student Recruitment Advisors

Natasha, Andrada, Eduardo, Max and Jessica

Get In Touch
Start your application process here

Have any questions about studying at MU or the application process? Connect with our Student Recruitment Team and they will assist you every step of the way.  

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